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Common Network Issues Solutions
Mar 14, 2022

Greetings, Captains!
If you run into network problems when logging in, such as being disconnected, cannot connect to server, or cannot log in, you can try troubleshooting as follows:


★ If a network error message pops up, please try:
1. Please configure device settings as instructed by the pop-up. For example, if the pop-up reads "failed to download data files, please check internet connection, app access permissions, and available storage space on your device before trying again," please check if these requirements are met.
2. If the above method did not work, please screenshot the error pop-up, tap the "Details" on the pop-up and screenshot again. Then contact our customer support in-game or by email, upload the two screenshots, and explain the steps you have taken. We will respond as soon as possible!


★ If you get stuck on the updating settings screen and the progress bar is not moving, please try to:
1. Check if the device has enough storage and the game has every requested permission allowed.
2. If you are still stuck after checking, please restart the game.
3. If the problem persists, please reboot the device and restart the game.


★ If you are stuck on the updating settings screen and the progress bar is moving slowly, please try to:
1. Change your Wi-Fi connection to unlimited data or hotspot and vice versa, and restart the game.
2. Reboot the device and repeat the step above.


★ If the app is stuck on the connecting screen, please try to:
1. If the app is stuck on the elevator screen, please reboot the phone and check the app's permissions. If you denied permissions to it, please allow them and restart the game.
2. If the elevator is moving normally, please change your Wi-Fi connection to unlimited data and vice versa, and restart the game.


★ If the PC client is stuck on the connecting screen, please try to:
1. Check your PC's network settings. Please change your Wi-Fi connection to unlimited hotspot and vice versa, and restart the game.
2. If the network is normal, please try to:
2.1. Close the game and the client.
2.2. Press Windows + R, enter regedit, open Registry Editor, and delete everything in the folder \HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\miHoYo.
2.3. Delete everything in the folder C:\Users\XXXX\AppData\LocalLow\miHoYo.
2.4. Disable all anti-virus programs.
2.5. Restart the game.


★ If the PC client displays the error messages "failed to verify files" or "failed to bind UserAssembly.dll," please try to:
1. Close the current process.
2. Manually delete everything in the folder \BH3\Games.
3. Run launcher.exe again and redownload the resources.


★ If you cannot download the trailer on the PC client, it is likely caused by the network. You can try to:
1. Check your PC's network settings. Please change your Wi-Fi connection to unlimited hotspot and vice versa, and restart the game.
2. Check for VPN. If running, close it and try again.
3. If none of the methods above work, please stay over 30 seconds on this screen, which will skip the download. This method will let you play the game without restoring the trailer. Please try the two methods above again with a stable internet connection.

If none of the solutions above worked, please send the information below to our customer support at or follow our official updates.
Network (WLAN/Wi-Fi):
Error Screenshot:
Detailed Description

The following blanks are optional, but can help us locate the problem quicker!
Device Model:
OS Version:
Network Provider:
Country/Area of Residence:
Server Language:

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