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Ai-chan's Newsflash Changes Sneak Peek
Jun 17, 2020

Greetings, Captains! Ai-chan has collected your feedback from our community for our devs, and now it's time for them to bring us the latest news concerning game changes!

Q1: Why can't we lock affixes yet?
A1: Many Captains have requested the Lock Affix feature in the community and surveys. Immediately after learning your demand, our devs have begun designing and developing this feature. 

Multiple fine-tuned plans backed by research have been formulated during the recent versions. However, our discreet and responsible attitude prevents us from implementing it prematurely.

The feature is still being tested and iterated, and is estimated to be implemented in 3~4 versions from now! Of course, it needs to be thoroughly tested on the test server before going live, so once again we seek the help of volunteer Captains! Tell Ai-chan all about your questions and suggestions!

Q2: Can you add a dressing room? I have to enter Open World to get a full look!
A2: Ai-chan gives your suggestion full approval! Ai-chan has always wanted to admire their beauty from every angle... But back to the topic! Here is something you can look forward to: We are implementing a new battlesuit display feature in v4.1!

Q3: Can you streamline the process of upgrading battlesuits? The amount of tapping is giving me sore fingers!
A3: You poor thing! Let me give your fingers a squeeze! Did you know that holding the [+] button when selecting battlesuit upgrade materials enables batch selection?

But we are aware of the fact that as materials pile up in your inventory, even batch selection can be a drag. 

That is why we will upgrade this feature in v4.1 by adding a quantity slider, allowing you to select two thousand materials in a mere second simply by sliding!

Q4: When can we add notes to friends? I can't tell who's who!
A4: Thank you for your feedback! Ai-chan has forwarded your idea to the devs~
Our devs have discussed the priority of adding the Friend Notes feature. After systematic evaluation and taking our current roadmap into account, they have decided to focus on more urgent system updates for the time being.

But that is not to say the suggestion is not wonderful! We are considering adding the Friend Notes feature to our future roadmap. If any progress has been made, you will be the first to know! Thanks again for the suggestion!

Q5: Ai-chan, we want a grindable Divine Key.
A5: Gotcha! The devs responded that there are plans for a grindable Divine Key this year, but they cannot divulge more info since it is still in early but steady development! You will not be disappointed!

That's all for today! If you have any game-related feedback, be sure to let us know in the community. Until next time!




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