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Ai-chan's Newsflash: Gameplay Updates
Jan 5, 2023

Dear Captain, today Ai-chan will walk you through gameplay updates in v6.3!

After the v6.3 update, Chip Space will have new Core Chip. Besides, you will see new content in Elysian Realm and starter's system. Now let's check out the details!



※※※※※ Chip Space Updated ※※※※※
Chip Space will be updated in v6.3. Elemental Rush Core and Versatile Core are added to chips.

The mechanics of triggering Elemental Rush: The character can trigger Elemental Rush after dealing different Elemental DMG.

The mechanics of triggering Versatility: Dealing DMG with a different type of attack (attack types include Basic ATK, Charged ATK, Combo ATK, QTE, Ultimate, weapon active) grants 1 stack of Versatility. Gain more stacks to provide buffs to team members on the field.

After activating Versatile Core and Chip Synergy, you will get a new weapon active: Gaining stacks of Versatility grants Charge. Casting the weapon active consumes stacks of Versatility and Charge, improves the Elemental Breach and Physical Breach of team members on the field, and increases Total DMG dealt to enemies.

※ Please follow our announcements for further details!



※※※※※ Elysian Realm Update ※※※※※
After the v6.3 update, Herrscher of Truth and Sixth Serenade will be playable in Elysian Realm.

New stage effects and buff factors will also be released in v6.3. Don't forget to explore the new version after the update.



※※※※※ Starter's Manual Updated ※※※※※
Starter's Manual will also be updated in v6.3, and new Captains can experience the new content of Starter's Manual.

★ Starter Supply
Starter Supply will be adjusted in v6.3, and you can get Herrscher of Human: Ego and Palatinus Equinox from it.

★ Level Rush
After the v6.3 update, once new Captains unlock corresponding Level Bundles and reach Lv. 40, the S-rank character they will receive is Herrscher of Thunder instead of Herrscher of Reason.

★ First Top-up Bonuses
After the v6.3 update, new Captains can get one of the following SP characters from First Top-
up Bonuses: Sweet 'n' Spicy, Prinzessin der Verurteilung! or Reverist Calico.

★ Supply Giveaway
After the v6.3 update, open S-rank Battlesuit Weapon Option to get one of the following: Keys of the Void, Key of Castigation or Iris of the Dreams.

New Captains can complete Supply missions to obtain S-rank Battlesuit Weapon Option, Crystals, Honkai Shards and more.



※※※※※ Blockade Closing Soon ※※※※※
After the v6.3 update, Blockade will not reopen. But Blockade will continue to be available between 10:00, JAN 9 and 04:00, JAN 16.

That's all for this episode of Ai-chan's Newsflash! See you in the new version!

※ The above info is taken from the test server and is subject to change in the live version.







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