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[Sanka Saga]
Dec 26, 2019

Brace yourselves for the new winter event [Sanka Saga]! Follow [Kasumi] in her travels to unravel the ancient secrets...

======Yae's Nightraid======

[Event Duration] After the version update on DEC 26 ~ 04:00, JAN 16

[Required Level] 20 or higher

[Event Map]

During the event period, Captains can explore the 6 areas of [Yae Machi] that are composed of Path of Naraka, Path of Tiryag, Path of Manusya, Path of Asura, Path of Preta, and Path of Deva with ninja [Kasumi]. The 6 areas become available over time in order. Captains can explore a new area when they have cleared the preceding area and the opening time of the new area has passed. When all 6 areas have been cleared, The Finale: Heretical Dreadnaught [Bounty] becomes available.

Path of Naraka: After the version update on DEC 26

Path of Tiryag: 10:00, DEC 27

Path of Manusya: 10:00, DEC 30

Path of Asura: 10:00, JAN 2

Path of Preta: 10:00, JAN 5

Path of Deva: 10:00, JAN 9

The Finale: Heretical Dreadnaught [Bounty]: 10:00, JAN 13


[Event Details]

1. The event has 6 areas that are composed of a number of prerequisite stages and an ultimate [Bounty] mission. Complete the prerequisite stages to unlock the final [Bounty] mission and the EX challenge stage of an area. Defeating a Bounty target clears the area.

2. Completing prerequisite stages rewards [Sakura Coins] and [Zakti]. No more than 120 Sakura Coins can be obtained from completing prerequisite stages.

3. Completing [Bounty] missions rewards [Sakura Coins], [Crystals] and [Green Magatama]. Completing EX challenge stages rewards Sakura Coins, Advanced Skill Materials and Asterites.

4. Captains can purchase event rewards including outfit [Hanafuda Oyabun] and [Darkbolt Jonin] fragments in event shop [Ninja Arsenal] with [Sakura Coins] and [Green Magatama].

5. During the event period, completing event missions also rewards [Darkbolt Jonin Supply Cards], [Stamina Poiton] and [Open World Boosters]~



======Ninja Arts======

In this event, ninja [Kasumi] has an independent enhancement system: Ninja Arts.

1. Ninja Art is the enhancement system for trial Valkyrie [Kasumi]. There are 6 scrolls of Ninja Arts, each with unique level, base stats, and optional skills, buffing the trial battlesuit as Captains explore corresponding areas. More Ninja Arts are unlocked as Captains progress in areas.

2. Spend [Zakti] obtained from standard stages to level up the Ninja Art that corresponds to the area.

3. Ninja Art buffs are only applied to event trial Valkyrie [Kasumi] and not to separate battlesuit [Darkbolt Jonin].

Ai-chan's Tip: The Bosses of the Six Paths are formidable foes. It is advised that Captain enhance Ninja Arts to the recommended level before challenging them~



======Ninja Arsenal=======

[Event Duration] 10:00, DEC 26 ~ 04:00, JAN 23

[Required Level] 20

1. During the event period, Captains can purchase up to 100 [Darkbolt Jonin] fragments with Sakura Coins.

2. Outfit [Hanafuda Oyabun] can also be purchased with [Sakura Coins] and [Green Magatama].

3. [Sakura Coins] will be purchasable with Crystals in event shop starting from 04:00, JAN 13.

4. [Green Magatama] and [Sakura Coins] will both expire at 04:00, JAN 23. Each [Sakura Coin] returns 160 Mithril and each [Green Magatama] expires without return.

5. Event shop [Ninja Arsenal] will close at 04:00, JAN 23. Don't forget to purchase those goodies in time!



======Outfit Trial======

[Event Duration] After the version update on DEC 26 ~ 04:00, JAN 16

[Required Level] 20

1. The outfit trial stage [Mirrored Poise] for [Hanafuda Oyabun] will be available in the event period. You will be tantalized by the glamour of Rita~

2. Trial event missions are available after the version update on DEC 26 to 04:00, JAN 16. Complete missions to claim Crystals!



======Yae Machi Lobby======

Lobby is back online! Fun and rewards await in the new minigames: [Jinja Fortunes] and [Get the Koi]!

◆ [Jinja Fortunes]:

Have your fortune told and claim corresponding rewards at the Divination Shrine from 10:00 to 23:59 every day after the version update on DEC 26 to 04:00, JAN 16. You can only play [Jinja Fortunes] once per day!

◆ [Get the Koi]:

Scoop goldfish in the Lobby from 18:00 to 22:00, Friday through Sunday, from DEC 26 to JAN 16.

Different numbers of Asterite are rewarded based on the types of goldfish scooped. Is there a better place to test your skills?


******Ai-chan's Tips******

1. Ninja Arts is the enhancement system for trial Valkyrie [Kasumi]. There are 6 scrolls of Ninja Arts, each with unique level, base stats, and optional skills, buffing the trial battlesuit as Captains explore corresponding areas. More Ninja Arts are unlocked as Captains progress in areas.

2. Complete event missions and [Yae Machi] area stages to obtain Umbral Rose's outfit [Hanafuda Oyabun] without breaking a sweat.

3. [Green Magatama] and [Sakura Coins] will both expire at 04:00, JAN 23. Each [Sakura Coin] returns 160 Mithril and each [Green Magatama] expires without return.





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