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Ai-chan's Newsflash - Winter Event [Sanka Saga]
Dec 23, 2019

Greetings, Captains! In today's episode, Ai-chan is introducing our winter event [Sanka Saga]!


Yae Machi, an acient town in the Far East that has spawned countless myths. Chants say a Demon Fox once cast its great shadow upon the world, and the god descended as a miko to seal it with Raksha's Rage. Hundreds of years have passed. The whereabouts of the six runes, the hearts of the seal, are believed to be lost in time. A ninja known as [Kasumi] arrives when the town is rife with dangerous undercurrents. What mission does she carry, and what fate will she meet?


======Winter Event Rewards======
Psst! You wouldn't want to miss the awesome rewards offered by our winter event!

1. Play winter event to claim [Umbral Rose]'s new outfit [Hanafuda Oyabun]!
2. Captains can claim up to 100 [Darkbolt Jonin] fragments for free in the winter event!
3. 7-day login event will be available concurrently. Log in 7 days during the event period to claim 3★ stigma [Jonin Sakura (M)]!

======Area Challenge: Bounty======
In the [Sanka Saga] event, Captains will guide ninja [Kasumi] in exploring the 6 areas prescribed by 6 [Ninja Arts]. Areas are unlocked over time.

Each area consists of a number of locations. Defeat the enemies guarding the locations one by one to unlock the final bounty mission. Defeating the Bounty target clears the area, yield handsome rewards, and allows the next area to be unlocked during its opening time. 

Ai-chan's friendly reminder: Do not underestimate the dreadful enemies that are Bounty targets (e.g. [Irongrim Golem] in [Path of Naraka], [Demon Fox] in [Path of Tiryag])! We suggest Captains boost Ninja Arts for a stronger ninja [Kasumi] before challenging them!

======Battlesuit Boosting: Ninja Art======
During the event period, Captain will face a slew of tough foes in Yae Machi. Boost Ninja Arts so [Darkbolt Jonin] can become stronger to accomplish her goal!

Ninja Art is an enhancement system designed specifically for [Darkbolt Jonin]. There are 6 Ninja Arts and each art corresponds with a Zakti Rune. Every Ninja Art has independent levels, base stats and buffs, which toughens the SP battlesuit tackling corresponding areas in certain ways. Ninja Arts are unlocked as Captains progress in areas. 

Materials that enhance Ninja Arts are collected by completing area challenge missions on the winter event map. Spend materials to increase Ninja Art level for buffed base stats and skill effects!

======Lobby Update: Bazaar=======
"You even get to play THIS in HI3?"

You've guessed it! It's time for Ai-chan to present the new additions to its answers - [Jinja Fortunes] & [Get the Koi]! 

Captains can have your fortune told at the shrine or show others what you've got by scooping a koi! Oh, did Ai mention there are surprise rewards as well?

That's all for today! Stayed tuned for the next episode for a preview of the storyline and the Dorm system!





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