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Ancient Flames Supply
Nov 28, 2019

During the event period, new 4★ 2-Handed [Might of An-Utu], Phoenix's recommended weapon [Cinder Hawk], and stigma set [Thales] enjoy increased drop rates!

The trial stage for [Might of An-Utu] is also available concurrently. Don't miss it!


======Event Duration======

12:00, NOV 29 ~ 12:00, DEC 13

======Special Rules======

★ In Ancient Flames Supply, obtainable common upgrade materials include [Material Option TYPE-A] and [Microreactor]. Open a [Material Option TYPE-A] to choose from Phase Shifter x1 or SC Metal-H2 x3. (If you fail to claim event rewards, they will be delivered to your mailbox after the event ends.)

◆ During the event duration, the overall drop rate of 4★ equipment is increased from 12.396% to 15.371%.

◆ During the event duration, the overall drop rate of UP weapons is 4.958% and the overall drop rate of UP stigmata is 3.720%.

◆ Each Ancient Flames Supply drop costs Focused Supply Card x1, which is sold for 280 Crystals. A 4★ equipment is guaranteed for every 10 Ancient Flames Supply drops.

◆ The featured UP weapon [Might of An-Utu] is guaranteed in 50 Ancient Flames Supply drops.

◆ During the event duration, stigma set Thales will not be available in the Wishing Well.

◆ Please refer to the [Detailed Drop Rates] section towards the end of this announcement for the drop rate of every equipment item.

======Supply Contents======

1. During the event period, each Ancient Flames Supply drop is guaranteed to offer one of the following equipment:

[4★ Weapon]

Pistols: Hyper Railguns

Blade: Dawn Breaker: Talwar

Heavy: Star Shatterer: Vikrant

Cross: 11th Sacred Relic

Fists: Cinder Hawk

2-Handed: Might of An-Utu | Blood Dance

Scythe: Skadi Ondurgud


[4★ Stigma]

Eclipse Prophet Set: Thales (T, M, B)

Night Vigilante Set: Zorro (T, M, B)

Quantum Waltz Set: Dirac (T, M, B)

Accursed Shadows Set: Gustav Klimt (T, M, B)

Tenebrosi Set: Caravaggio (T, M, B)

Critic Set: Jin Shengtan (T, M, B)


[3★ Equipment]

Pistols: Water Spirit Type-I | Water Spirit Type-II | Fire Spirit Type-I | Fire Spirit Type-II

Blade: Lightning Soul | Hell's Thunder | Pulse Katana Type-17 | Pulse Katana Type-19

Heavy: Markov Type-A | Markov Type-C | Cathode Type-07 | Cathode Type-09

2-Handed: Vanguard | Ionic Harmony | Nitro Crystal | King Cobra

Cross: Lightning Angel | The Dark Crusher | Fire Angel

Fists: CAS-X Saints | White Star Banishers

Scythe: Obsidian Reaper


Frontier Seductress Set: Wang Zhaojun (T, M, B)

Scourge of God Set: Attila (T, M, B)

Sentyu Hassaku Set: Sakamoto Ryoma (T, M, B)

Holger Danske Set: Ogier (T, M, B)

Charles the Great Set: Charlemagne (T, M, B)

Sine Twin Tails Set: Nikola Tesla (T, M, B)

Vampire Countess Set: Elizabeth Bathory (T, M, B)

Berserk Knight Set: Rinaldo (T, M, B)

Solar Prominence Set: Shigure Kira (T, M, B)

Cosmic Observer Set: Galileo (T, M, B)

Writer Set: Ryunosuke Akutagawa (T, M, B)

Polar Conquest Set: Roald Amundsen (T, M, B)


[2★ Equipment]

Pistols: Desert Eagle | Colt Anaconda EX | M1911 | USP EX

Blade: Horikawa Kunihiro | Amemura Bloodlust | Muramasa Bloodlust | Willow

Heavy: SU-30 Cannon | MiG-11| MiG-13 | MiG-7

2-Handed: Energy Greatsword | Nuclear PRI | Fusion Sword EX | Hybrid Type-27

Cross: Hailstone | Brimstone| AP Turret | Oath of Ice


Teutonic Order Set: Hannah (T, M, B)

Schicksal Order Set: Octavia (T, M, B)

Knight Templar Set: Lucia (T, M, B)

Knight Hospitaller Set: Viola (T, M, B)

Exiled Knight Set: Victoria (T, M, B)

*3★ or above equipment appears on the left while 2★ equipment appears on the right.

2. Each Ancient Flames Supply drop also provides a random amount of equipment EXP materials, common upgrade materials and HOMU Chests.

[Equipment EXP Material]

Twin Ether Shard | Ether Crystal | Twin Ether Crystal

Twin Soul Shard | Soul Crystal | Twin Soul Crystal

[Common Upgrade Material]

Material Option TYPE-A | Microreactor

[HOMU Chest]

HOMI Chest | HOMEI Chest | HOLI Chest

[Detailed Drop Rates]

Might of An-Utu        4★        Weapon        2.479%
Cinder Hawk        4★        Weapon        2.479%
Thales (T)        4★        Stigma        1.240%
Thales (M)        4★        Stigma        1.240%
Thales (B)       4★        Stigma        1.240%
Hyper Railguns        4★        Weapon        0.458%
Dawn Breaker: Talwar        4★        Weapon        0.458%
Star Shatterer: Vikrant        4★        Weapon        0.458%
Skadi Ondurgud        4★        Weapon        0.458%
11th Sacred Relic        4★        Weapon        0.458%
Blood Dance        4★        Weapon        0.458%
Zorro (T)        4★        Stigma        0.263%
Zorro (M)        4★        Stigma        0.263%
Zorro (B)        4★        Stigma        0.263%
Dirac (T)        4★        Stigma        0.263%
Dirac (M)        4★        Stigma        0.263%
Dirac (B)        4★        Stigma        0.263%
Gustav Klimt (T)        4★        Stigma        0.263%
Gustav Klimt (M)        4★        Stigma        0.263%
Gustav Klimt (B)        4★        Stigma        0.263%
Jin Shengtan (T)        4★        Stigma        0.263%
Jin Shengtan (M)        4★        Stigma        0.263%
Jin Shengtan (B)        4★        Stigma        0.263%
Caravaggio (T)        4★        Stigma        0.263%
Caravaggio (M)        4★        Stigma        0.263%
Caravaggio (B)        4★        Stigma        0.263%
Water Spirit Type-I        3★        Weapon        0.493%
Water Spirit Type-II        3★        Weapon        0.493%
Fire Spirit Type-I        3★        Weapon        0.493%
Fire Spirit Type-II        3★        Weapon        0.493%
Lightning Soul        3★        Weapon        0.493%
Hell Thunder        3★        Weapon        0.493%
Pulse Katana Type-17        3★        Weapon        0.493%
Pulse Katana Type-19        3★        Weapon        0.493%
Markov Type A        3★        Weapon        0.493%
Markov Type C        3★        Weapon        0.493%
Cathode Type-07        3★        Weapon        0.493%
Cathode Type-09        3★        Weapon        0.493%
Vanguard        3★        Weapon        0.493%
Ion Resonance        3★        Weapon        0.493%
Nitro Crystal        3★        Weapon        0.493%
King Cobra        3★        Weapon        0.493%
The Dark Crusher        3★        Weapon        0.493%
Lightning Angel        3★        Weapon        0.493%
Fire Angel        3★        Weapon        0.493%
CAS-X Saints        3★        Weapon        0.493%
White Star Banishers        3★        Weapon        0.493%
Obsidian Reaper        3★        Weapon        0.493%
Attila (T)        3★        Stigma        0.905%
Attila (M)        3★        Stigma        0.904%
Attila (B)        3★        Stigma        0.904%
Ogier (T)        3★        Stigma        0.904%
Ogier (M)        3★        Stigma        0.904%
Ogier (B)        3★        Stigma        0.904%
Elizabeth Bathory (T)        3★        Stigma        0.904%
Elizabeth Bathory (M)        3★        Stigma        0.904%
Elizabeth Bathory (B)        3★        Stigma        0.904%
Sakamoto Ryoma (T)        3★        Stigma        0.904%
Sakamoto Ryoma (M)        3★        Stigma        0.904%
Sakamoto Ryoma (B)        3★        Stigma        0.904%
Charlemagne (T)        3★        Stigma        0.904%
Charlemagne (M)        3★        Stigma        0.904%
Charlemagne (B)        3★        Stigma        0.904%
Nikola Tesla (T)        3★        Stigma        0.904%
Nikola Tesla (M)        3★        Stigma        0.904%
Nikola Tesla (B)        3★        Stigma        0.904%
Wang Zhaojun (T)        3★        Stigma        0.904%
Wang Zhaojun (M)        3★        Stigma        0.904%
Wang Zhaojun (B)         3★        Stigma        0.904%
Rinaldo (T)        3★        Stigma        0.904%
Rinaldo (M)        3★        Stigma        0.904%
Rinaldo (B)        3★        Stigma        0.904%
Shigure Kira (T)        3★        Stigma        0.904%
Shigure Kira (M)        3★        Stigma        0.904%
Shigure Kira (B)        3★        Stigma        0.904%
Galileo (T)        3★        Stigma        0.904%
Galileo (M)        3★        Stigma        0.904%
Galileo (B)        3★        Stigma        0.904%
Ryunosuke Akutagawa (T)        3★        Stigma        0.904%
Ryunosuke Akutagawa (M)        3★        Stigma        0.904%
Ryunosuke Akutagawa (B)        3★        Stigma        0.904%
Roald Amundsen (T)        3★        Stigma        0.904%
Roald Amundsen (M)        3★        Stigma        0.904%
Roald Amundsen (B)        3★        Stigma        0.904%
Material Option TYPE-A        4★        Common Upgrade Material        6.598%
Microreactor        3★        Common Upgrade Material        9.897%
Twin Ether Crystal        4★        Equipment EXP        4.124%
Twin Soul Crystal        4★        Equipment EXP        4.124%
Ether Crystal        3★        Equipment EXP        4.124%
Soul Crystal        3★        Equipment EXP        4.124%
HOMI Chest        4★        Coins        2.749%
HOMEI Chest        4★        Coins        2.749%
HOLI Chest        3★        Coins        2.749%

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