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Ai-chan's Newsflash 3 - Level Cap Increased & Other System Adjustments
Apr 18, 2021

"This is the power of leveling up!"
We can break through the level cap! Captains, let's go above and beyond!

======Level Cap Increased======
Surpass your limit and rise to the top!

After the v4.7 update, the level cap will be increased to Lv.88. Captain of Lv.85 can gain enough XP to reach the next level by completing daily missions. Your Stamina cap increases with your level!

◆Level Cap Increasing Rewards

Since we have raised the level cap, Captains can claim new level-up bundles on the bonuses screen in v4.7:

1. New Lv.80 Rewards: Reach Lv.80 and unlock the level cap to claim Honkai Cube x1 and 4000 Asterite.

2. New Lv.86~88 Rewards: Captains of Lv.85 can claim Ancient Legacy x80, Ancient Willpower x80, SC Metal-H2 x100, Einstein's Torus x50, and Wafer Stabilizer x300 after reaching Lv.88

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======Bridge Loading Screen Optimized======
After the v4.7 update, the download progress and loading progress indicators will be visible in-game.


That's all for this season of Ai-chan's Newsflash! See you in the new version!

*The above info is taken from the test server and is subject to change in the live version.







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