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List of Banned Captains for Using Plugins
Dec 30, 2019

Since the Captain signed on to the Hyperion, Ai-chan has repeatedly reminded everyone that using plug-ins, selling / purchasing of accounts, and topping up via non-standard channels are illegal! Ai-chan is doing this to protect your rights!


Despite such warnings, Ai-chan is sad to see people abusing plug-ins in Honkai-verse and disrupting the fair and healthy environment that we're trying to build for Honkai Impact 3.

To restore order for the Hyperion, Ai-chan will be banning the following abusers:

10009784 |    10023635 |    10025090 |
10031694 |    10039902 |    10051653 |
10052389 |    10053557 |    10058284 |
10099840 |    10160514 |    10168401 |
10203551 |    10257751 |    10330682 |
10334935 |    10362101 |    10389886 |
10396786 |    10444549 |    10470804 |
10492572 |    10520567 |    10658056 |
10662335 |    10967773 |    11047305 |
11129794 |    11175904 |    11382806 |
11481619 |    11493682 |    11586757 |
11624041 |    11810383 |    11906622 |
11955238 |    11959648 |    12138725 |
12255694 |    12525276 |    12597709 |
12917345 |    12931949 |    12949812 |
12979869 |    13002884 |    13066548 |
13154433 |    13171736 |    13192961 |
13228632 |    13288168 |    13358964 |
13429549 |    13453968 |    13515430 |
13556905 |    13595646 |    13599932 |
13635540 |    13647104 |    13961667 |
13982585 |    14015405 |    14057720 |
14136697 |    14236415 |    14254043 |
14401850 |    14436911 |    14642994 |
14658630 |    14773221 |    14818888 |
14839761 |    14864571 |    14899896 |
14911527 |    14955602 |    15003736 |
15134270 |    15230981 |    15275618 |
15331124 |    15333804 |    15368565 |
15495653 |    15498215 |    15515347 |
15563755 |    15609295 |    15632688 |
15715143 |    15722801 |    15730543 |
15757992 |    15798700 |    15857121 |
15878011 |    15893439 |    15913918 |
15915620 |    15939670 |    15946580 |
15983592 |    15998474 |    16007878 |
16008684 |    16013918 |    16045730 |
16114708 |    16131968 |    16146313 |
16147712 |    16152670 |    16153579 |
16155844 |    16159057 |    16183443 |
16190841 |    16196178 |    16215541 |
16226965 |    16228247 |    16245337 |
16248138 |    16255209 |    16258627 |
16281813 |    16298261 |    16305940 |
16314756 |    16321466 |    16334742 |
16336479 |    16355098 |    16389724 |
16390009 |    16395747 |    16407501 |
16412341 |    16421830 |    16430589 |
16442689 |    16445664 |    16447984 |
16449986 |    16451659 |    16451778 |
16455922 |    16456908 |    16458014 |
16459878 |    16460341 |    16461390 |
16462623 |    16463568 |    16464469 |
16465628 |    16466066 |    16466228 |
16467988 |    16468396 |    16472611 |
16473221 |    16474360 |    16475881 |
16476316 |    16477246 |    16477540 |
16478435 |    16480392 |    16480653 |
16481117 |    16482830 |    16484994 |
16488823 |    16489169 |    16490117 |


Ai-chan is sad to see these former comrades banned from battle! 

Ai-chan will like to take this opportunity to encourage all Captains to uphold fair and healthy gaming and to look out for illegal activities! =3=  We need your support to create a happy Hyperion and achieve victory in the Honkai War! 

Let's make gaming enjoyable for Honkai Impact 3! 

*The official owners of Honkai Impact 3 reserve the right of final decision on the interpretation of relevant terms.

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